Code of Retail Ethics | CORE

Therefore, always make your own decision based on the current situation. CORE only suggests possible solutions, but it cannot decide for you what will be the right thing to do in each case.
28 juni 2021

“The Code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules.”

Captain Hector Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl




This Code has been developed by retail managers for themselves and applies to all retail employees and contractors. By default, CORE is designed for Vkusvill employees, but it can be used by other
companies as well.

This Code has the following objectives:
• promote the implementation of our values within and outside the company;
• help built a strong team;
• help new hires incorporate into the company, and encourage the old ones to embrace changes;
• provide guidelines for the right decision-making and handling controversial situations;
• be the foundation for building a culture of trust, self-government, and integrity.

Our values:
• integrity:
o we value openness and honesty,
o we say what we mean, and we do what we say;
• trust:
o we trust our customers and respect their opinion,
o we believe that our employees and partners do their job in good faith, but we take talent and partner selection very seriously since our customers expect perfect products and a high level of service at all times;
• responsibility:
o each of us contributes to the overall success, understands the importance of and responsibility for the decisions he or she makes;
• good relationships and mutual support:
o we maintain good relationships within the team, with partners and customers to ensure maximum performance;
• decent work:
o we value our jobs since they allow us to fulfill and develop ourselves, they give us stability and honest wages; we are not afraid of mistakes and do not punish for them, since it’s better to act doing mistakes than do nothing at all;
• social significance:
o our work benefits the community.