The Power of Gen Z Influencing

With all the focus on the assurgency of Millennials, less attention has been spent looking at the spending power of Gen Z. And the time that has been spent considering these figures? Well, there’s some gray area. It is cited frequently on the internet that Gen Z spends $44 billion a year on themselves and influence another $600 billion in spending by others. Unfortunately in most cases, these statistics are presented without: 1) explanation or context or 2) support from the references they cite.
4 april 2021

As Gen Z evangelists, we decided it was time to dig deeper. After all, how can brands properly prioritize this pivotal generation if they are unable to fully understand the power these young consumers have when it comes to increasing the bottom line? This paper outlines our efforts to develop reliable estimates of Gen Z’s spending power that marketers can use to put the influence of this generation in perspective.

This paper also explores the spending estimates for three distinct types of spending power: